Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Maximum effect

i'm dying with all kind of dresses
especially those dresses had a break line under the bust
like yesterday..
when we went to cherry hill malls
all counter sell dresses with all kind
all variety with variance colour for summer time..
yep...summer is in the corner..
made me crazy for...

just stopping by to wet seal store..
loves all those kind in the store
but i'm just grab one of dress
with variety colour but most of brown n had style on the neck
not expensive at all..just 22 bucks..

but other store..i;m forget what the name..
really loves those dress
maxi dress...

so how do i look with maxi dress..??
weird or awesome...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Resep cupcakes...

Bahan :
250 gr mentega/margarin
250 gr gula pasir
8 bt kuning telur
6 bt putih telur
1/2 sdt vanili bubuk
250 gr terigu protein sedang

Cara membuat :

Kocok mentega, gula dan vanili sampai putih dan gula larut.
Tambahkan kuning telur satu persatu, kocok lagi sampai tercampur rata dan sedikit ngembang.
Masukkan terigu, aduk rata.
Dalam wadah lain kocok putih telur sampai mengembang, masukkan ke adonan mentega, aduk rata. Tuang dalam cetakan 3/4 penuh, oven sampai matang

Krim olesan :
100 gr mentega
50 gr icing sugar (diayak dulu)
3 sdm susu kental manis

Semua dikocok sampai putih mengembang, siap untuk olesan. Setelah dioles taburi dengan keju parut yang diparut panjang2, hias dengan ceri/stroberi.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

sore throat...

today,..before n after...
was a bad day for me
i couldn't slept as well
awake up in every single hours...
sore throat..coughing n runny nose
those are what i felt 'till now...

Saturday, February 5, 2011


some snow on jan 2011
still frozen even they came in flurries/ice rain
so slippery
so watch out ur step n carefully to walking without snow boats

Saturday, January 29, 2011


i'm really like with a crunchy snacks..
with sweet,sour,spicy too
this the ones i would like to...

hmmm nyam nyam..
had 6's kind on 1 pack
its not bad..u should try them...

recommended !!!

Hot soup noodle

the best menu of winter time...
blogging with eating my hot soup noodle

noodle name shin yum rum bla..bla..
i'm forgot what's name..
u could find out at asian market 
especially in korean market..
so helpfull...

Winter time...

winter time is coming...
loved when the snow going down
purely white

yes it was...
but messy after that..